It’s National Work Zone Safety Awareness Week. This year’s theme is “Work Zone Safety is In Your Hands.” During this week, the American Traffic Safety Service Association (ATSSA) wants to challenge motorists to do their part to prevent distracted driving.
Here are a few tips to help you always “expect the unexpected”
Slow down
When you see flashing lights, signs, barrels or workers present, slow down how fast you are traveling.
Pay attention
In 2015, 700 fatalities happened in roadway work zones, the majority involved motorists, not the workers themselves. When you’re driving, pay attention to changes in speed limits, road closures, and road workers. Keeping your focus on the road can prepare you for the “unexpected.”
Eliminate distractions
It’s easy to get distracted, but you should always “expect the unexpected.” When you get in your car, make sure you eliminate all distractions so you can focus on the road. Please avoid using your phone, eating while driving, reaching for items, etc.
Whether you drive to and from work, or a company vehicle, “Work Zone Safety is In Your Hands.” Even though National Work Zone Awareness Week only last five days, you should always use caution when driving through work zones. OHC believes prevention is better than the cure, please drive with caution through work zones.
Join us on Wednesday, April 5th for Go Orange Day. Wear something orange and share your support for work zone safety.