Are You Making Eye Safety a Priority?

A woman is shown wearing a yellow hard hat, yellow shirt, and blue plaid shirt unbuttoned. She is pointed to her eye with one hand and holding protective safety glasses in the other hand.

The American Academy of Ophthalmologists sponsors Eye Injury Prevention Month every October to reinforce the importance of preventing accidents and injury.

Eyes are the second most complex part of your body—only surpassed in complexity by the brain. It’s important to have policies that enforce eye safety – 80% of what we perceive comes through our sense of sight! Here are some ways to promote eye safety in your workplace.

How to Promote Eye Safety at Work

Wear safety goggles or glasses. A recent study showed nearly 70% of workplace accidents result from flying or falling objects or sparks striking the eye. Your eye safety policies should include protective wear in most areas.

Properly fitting goggles or glasses. It’s not enough to wear protective eyewear – it also needs to fit in order to provide full protection. It’s also important to know whether your eyesight will affect the type of eyewear you need. Our physical exam services include eye exams to ensure whether your worker needs prescription or non-prescription equipment for their eye safety.

Plan for eye emergencies. An eye injury of any kind, swelling, redness, or a particle or object, requires immediate medical attention. Make sure first aid kits are up-to-date and in easily accessible areas. The good news? Our multiple locations allow us to serve many companies with emergency workplace injuries. Also, the eyes are some of the quickest healing tissue in our bodies!

Evaluate all work spaces. You can’t implement a safety plan if you aren’t aware of the hazards. Our physicians can perform worksite visits at your facility to gain insights about the perceived sources of health and safety threats at your specific work environment – include eye safety requirements. This knowledge is invaluable to us to be able to make decisions about return to work and pre-placement examinations. 

At OHC, we believe the best way to handle accidents is to prevent them. To do that, a company must have a proper safety program in place. We’ve helped dozens of clients implement a successful safety culture and create not only a safer work environment but also a more productive one. Give us a call and we start building your safety culture today.


Occupational Health Center offers employers a large array of health services designed to maximize the effectiveness of your valued employees. With a strong focus on workers’ compensation claims, our services promote the continued well-being of your employees’ health and their return to work.

For more than 10 years, the business, industrial, and corporate communities have placed their trust in our doctors to provide medical care, services, and testing for thousands of their employees. 

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