Make 2023 Your Safest Year Yet!

A safety program is just as important as any other area of an organization. As the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says, “A safe workplace is sound business.”

Safety programs and healthcare programs are proven to benefit both employees and employers. Not only do these programs physically protect employees from injury and death, they also protect employees from financial hardship caused by loss of work.

A strong safety program isn’t reactive, rather, it takes a proactive approach at identifying risks and implementing safety practices. This is why we believe in looking ahead at 2023 so you can plan for a safe year. We recommend that any strong safety program has the following elements:

  1. Commitment from management – make safety a top priority and lead by example by practicing safe behaviors. A strong safety culture starts at the top!
  2. Involvement from employees – assure them you are working with them to address any hazards for a safer workplace. It’s also important to listen to feedback from the “boots on the ground” when it comes to suggestions or improvements. Workers should also be encouraged to communicate openly with management in reporting any safety concerns.
  3. Worksite analysis – safety and health hazards should be assessed continually, with risks evaluated. It’s important to use OSHA expertise in the evaluations and ensure you are up to date with all OSHA requirements. If any area isn’t up to date, this should be a priority for your organization.
  4. Hazard prevention and control – employers and workers should cooperate in identifying hazards and also the methods for eliminating, controlling, or preventing potential hazards.
  5. Training for all levels – all workers, including management, should be trained in their roles and responsibilities. Ongoing education and training should be provided to all employees to review the safety protocols, goals, and any changes to the program.

Implementing a safety culture is a serious undertaking for any company. At OHC, we believe the best way to handle accidents is to prevent them. To do that, a company must have a proper safety program in place. We’ve helped dozens of clients implement a successful safety culture and create not only a safer work environment but also a more productive one. Give us a call at (251) 434-6770 and we can start building your safety culture today.


Occupational Health Center offers employers a large array of health services designed to maximize the effectiveness of your valued employees. With a strong focus on workers’ compensation claims, our services promote the continued well-being of your employees’ health and their return to work.

For more than 10 years, the business, industrial, and corporate communities have placed their trust in our doctors to provide medical care, services, and testing for thousands of their employees. 

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